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Louis Wonsley
Louis Wonsley

PyCharm 2019.1.2: What's New and How to Upgrade

PyCharm 2019.1.2: What's New and How to Upgrade

PyCharm is a popular Python IDE that offers a rich set of features and tools for professional developers. In this article, we will review some of the highlights of the latest release, PyCharm 2019.1.2, and show you how to upgrade to it.

Highlights of PyCharm 2019.1.2

PyCharm 2019.1.2 is a minor update that fixes a lot of small issues and improves the overall performance and stability of the IDE. Some of the notable fixes and improvements are:

PyCharm 2019.1.2 Crack

  • Improved Jupyter support: You can now use '?' before a statement to get documentation for an object, and exception breakpoints work as expected.

  • Improved PostgreSQL inspections: PyCharm can now detect and warn you about potential errors and inefficiencies in your SQL queries.

  • Improved Python Console: You can now use Ctrl+Enter to execute a statement in the console, and the console history is preserved across sessions.

  • Improved code completion: PyCharm can now suggest more relevant and accurate completions for your code, based on the context and your preferences.

  • Improved code analysis: PyCharm can now detect more types of errors and warnings in your code, and offer quick fixes and refactorings.

  • Improved code navigation: PyCharm can now help you navigate to the definition or usage of a symbol, even if it is defined in a different file or module.

  • Improved code formatting: PyCharm can now format your code according to the PEP 8 style guide, or any other style you prefer.

  • Improved code testing: PyCharm can now run and debug your tests faster and more reliably, and show you the test results in a clear and interactive way.

  • Improved code documentation: PyCharm can now generate and display documentation for your code, using docstrings or external sources.

  • Improved code collaboration: PyCharm can now integrate with various version control systems, such as Git, SVN, Mercurial, etc., and help you manage your changes and conflicts.

For a full list of fixes and improvements, you can read the release notes.

How to Upgrade to PyCharm 2019.1.2

If you already have PyCharm installed on your computer, you can upgrade to PyCharm 2019.1.2 by choosing Help Check for Updates (or PyCharm Check for Updates on macOS) in the IDE. PyCharm will be able to patch itself to the new version, without requiring you to run the full installer.

If you are on Ubuntu 16.04 or later, or any other Linux distribution that supports snap, you should not need to upgrade manually, as you will automatically receive the new version.

If you do not have PyCharm installed on your computer yet, you can download it from the official website. You can choose between the Professional Edition, which offers all the features and tools mentioned above, or the Community Edition, which is free and open source, but has fewer features.


PyCharm 2019.1.2 is a minor update that brings a lot of bug fixes and improvements to the IDE. It is recommended that you upgrade to it as soon as possible, to enjoy a better Python development experience. If you have any questions or feedback about PyCharm 2019.1.2, feel free to leave a comment below or contact us on Twitter. 0efd9a6b88


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