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juliepaynemft Group

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Mason Roberts
Mason Roberts

The Last Of Us

These are minor complaints for a major event series, one that's likely to satisfy anyone interested in this kind of raw, post-apocalyptic storytelling. Video game adaptations often falter when they don't take their source material seriously on a narrative level. Instead, they try to replicate the "fun" of a video game on the big screen, and, more often than not, fall on their face. Druckmann and Mazin don't seek to replicate what it's like to play a video game; they seek to transport viewers to its world for nine episodes, allowing them to get lost in a story that's undeniably brutal and heartbreaking, but also offers hope for what comes next. In many ways, it's a perfect story for where we are in 2023, picking up the pieces of the last few years and finding what's important to us again.

The Last Of Us

The Last Of Us viewers may have noted that a few of the dangers identified by its fictional epidemiologist featured last year on a list of health-threatening fungi by the World Health Organisation (WHO). 041b061a72


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